Who is Seena?

In service of unleashing your vitality.
— Seena

Seena is an energy practitioner and singer specializing in Spinal Energetics and Vocal Sound Healing.
She is one of the first 500 practitioners in the world to be a certified Spinal Energetics practitioner.
Her sound healing certifications include Songaia Voice Analysis under the tutelage of Ani Williams and The Note From Heaven under the tutelage of Githa Ben-David.

She has also trained with the Danish mystic Lars Muhl, and is deeply influenced by attending countless Network Spinal Analysis sessions with Dr. Cliff Inkles,
which she considers her energetic mentor.

Originally a professional model and dancer, Seena is currently studying pre-med pursuing a Doctor of Chiropractic degree alongside her singing engagements and energy practice.

“If you want to find the secrets of the universe, think in terms of energy, frequency and vibration.”
— Nikola Tesla