Frequently Asked Questions

Can Seena Energetics replace medical treatment?

No. Attaining a higher and more resourceful energy state could offer significant advantages for both your physical and emotional well-being, but it should not be seen as a substitute for medical care or the only remedy for illnesses or health issues.

Why do some people move during Spinal Energetics?

The movements individuals make is their energy system entering into a parasympathetic state, becoming more aware of itself and optimizing through release of tension patterns. This could be expressed in the form of movement, but also in the form of sound, breath or emotional release. The degree of movement depends on the individual and their nature, as well as their vagal tone and mind/body connection. The goal of Spinal Energetics is not movement for movements sake, but a free, aligned, connected, flexible and optimized energy system able to reach homeostasis and beyond. It usually takes between 3-6 session for people to experience noticeable movements. The movements can be stopped at any time by the client, who is fully conscious, and simply experiencing a different brain wave state.

Does Spinal Energetics use physical touch? Is it similar to a massage or a spinal manipulation?

Spinal Energetics uses some physical touch, especially in the meninges rich areas around the neck and sacrum, but most of the session is centered around Seena interacting with the energetic field around your body, including your energy centers (also known as chakras). This, in turn, moves energy within the body, as well. Spinal Energetics is not like a massage and it does not involve the cracking type of chiropractic adjustments.

How often should I attend Seena Energetics?

This is up to you and your inner knowing.
Cultivating an energetic practice, awareness and skillset is a continuous commitment.
There are many ways to sustain a regular energetic and spiritual practice, and Seena Energetics is just one tool in your toolbox. Frequency of sessions depends on what you feel is right for you, your goals and life situation. Sometimes we have a lot of time to focus on ourselves and working through energetic releases. Sometimes we don’t. Some sessions are for maintenance and some sessions are for working through heavy stuff.
Some energetic releases require a short integration period and some might take a few weeks to integrate. Generally speaking, it’s recommended to start at around once per week or once every two weeks and then possibly increasing/decreasing frequency after a while. Together we can discuss what you feel is right for you. In a Seena Energetics session you will also get tools you can take home, so that you can continue your energetic practice independently.

What are the contraindications?

Contraindications for Spinal Energetics include, but are not limited to:

  • Diagnosed Severe PTSD

  • Severe mental health conditions (bipolar, schizophrenia, psychosis)

  • Currently taking anti-psychotic medications

  • Epilepsy

  • History of seizures

  • Recent injuries or surgeries

  • Severe Asthma

  • Heart disease

  • Heart conditions

  • History or diagonsis of aneurysms

  • Any other medical, psychiatric or physical conditions that would impact or affect ability to partake in activities involving intense physical and/or emotional release.

Any suggestions for further reading?

Further reading:

- The website of Dr.Donny Epstein and his books
The 12 Stages Of Healing / Healing Myths Healing Magic

-The website of Dr.Cliff Inkles

-The website of Dr. Candace Pert

-NASA’s definition of the building blocks of the universe

-Max Planck, Heart Math Institute, Rupert Sheldrake,