Freedom. Harmony.
Loving Awareness.

A session with Seena has two components:
Spinal Energetics (main component)
Vocal Sound Healing (secondary component)

What can Spinal Energetics do for you?

+ Unwind tension and pain

+ Increase energy and energy flow

+ Increase energetic awareness

+ Automatically develop more flexible neurological strategies for dealing with stress

+ Release and integrate trauma and anxiety

+ Boost mood and wellbeing

+ Connect more deeply to yourself, who you really are and why you are here

Did you know that….

1.Everything is energy at different frequencies, organized by an innate intelligence.
2.Your personal energy flow affects the way you feel, perceive,
discern, move and behave.
3.Emotions influence every system in the body
and should not be underestimated in their power to treat and heal.
4.You, and the electromagnetic signals you emit and receive
do not end at the limits of your physical body.

Spinal Energetics is an energy healing modality
developed by Australian chiropractor Dr. Sarah Jane Perry.
It seeks to unwind tension in the body and align you
with the truest expression of you.
It works with the interplay of the spine, the nervous system, the energy field around the body and our innate wisdom.
Some of the healing modalities that has influenced Spinal Energetics are
Network Spinal Analysis, Inner Dance and Reiki.

As a Spinal Energetics practitioner I’m there to guide your energy system to reconnect and become more aware of itself.  By doing so, it can discover and integrate the energetic information from any stored tension rather than unconciously disassociate from, or hold on to, it.
It can also develop new and more flexible strategies for dealing with life.
With less tension, your energy system can act as a clearer conduit so you’re able to notice the cues of your body and your innate wisdom, and thereby make better choices to live aligned with who you really are. So you can live with greater ease. Once you are more aware and at ease, you have the opportunity to notice what triggers you, what does and does not resonate with you and self-regulate in a more energy efficient way.

Nikola Tesla said: My brain is only the receiver.
As an energy practitioner and artist  I also believe this.
The brain and nervous system receive and send signals constantly.

You could say that we live our life through our nervous system, because the state of it affects how we experience life.
When there is tension somewhere along this system, the tone of your system - your frequency and the frequency you express and experience - changes.

Tension comes from stress and trauma. We are all walking, beautiful bouquets of unique frequencies. All our family history, life story, personality and destiny come together to create our signature frequency. When we are mostly tension free and aligned with who we really are, it’s easier for us to get into a flow-state. Traumatic things might happen, but if we are not overwhelmed by them, we are able to integrate the experience into our bouquet of frequency and move on.

When our system gets overwhelmed by a situation or a complex trauma that it doesn’t know how to deal with it, it can cause us to develop unhealthy coping mechanisms.

We can disconnect from parts of our body and develop habits of suppressing emotions and signals.
We develop self-limiting beliefs. We disconnect from who we really are.
The sequencing of Seena Energetics takes you in to a safe space and state where healing from the ensuing tension can take place. In a non- fight-or-flight state, your innate wisdom is free to initiate unwinding of tension. I’m there as your guide applying Spinal Energetics and a dash of Vocal Sound Healing, but your own system is doing the work.

Spinal Energetics believes that non-mechanical tension that eventually shows up in the body, shows up in the field around the body first. As such, most of the session centers around working with your energy field, rather than physically touching your body. Our physical body is just the densest part of us.
We are energetic, and we have many layers and energetic meridians to us, as described in detail in Chinese and Indian medicine over thousands of years.

As an energy practitioner I’m able to detect where there is incoherence and/or potential in your energy field, access it, and help your energy system create coherence and flow in that area.
This is not magical woo-woo, but a sensory skill that can be developed by any human with sincere and dedicated practice.

My approach to Vocal Sound Healing comes from personal experience as a singer, as well as my training with voice therapists Githa Ben-David/ Ani Williams and the mystic Lars Muhl.
Although it may still be considered esoteric in nature, more scientific research on the effect of sound on our health is emerging by the day.
In a Seena Energetics session with me, we usually start toning on OM together if time and space allows; toning has been proven to calm the limbic system.
Your limbic system plays a pivotal role in activating your-fight-or-flight state, specifically via the amygdala.

Keeping in mind that our bodies consist of an extremely high percentage of water, food for thought might also be that sound in water moves significantly faster than nerve impulses.
Sound in water moves at approximately
1500 meters/sec (approx 0.9 miles/sec).
The fastest nerve impulses move much slower,
at approximately 120 meters/sec (approx 0.075 miles/sec).
New research is also materializing on the importance of fascia
on our overall well-being,
especially the role it might play in chronic pain.
Fascia is approximately 70% water.
During our time together I also make different sounds
and tone on you/your field, with intention.

The goal is to strengthen your physiology and energy field by supplying frequencies and flow through vibration.
Sound in the form of music is also an important part of the Spinal Energetics component of Seena Energetics;
Music in it’s essence is emotional programming
and can instantly alter your state.
Sound is an extremely powerful tool, especially when used intentionally.

Want to read further or have questions?

As a man who has devoted his whole life to the most clearheaded science, to the study of matter, I can tell you as a result of my research about the atoms this much: There is no matter as such!
All matter originates and exists only by virtue of a force which brings the particles of an atom to vibration and holds this most minute solar system of the atom together. . . .
We must assume behind this force the existence of a conscious and intelligent Mind.
This Mind is the matrix of all matter.
— Max Planck, The New Science